Alcoi is a small town in the Comunidad Valenciana ( a region in the East of Spain) which is situated in the province of Alicante and is the capital of the Alcoiá area. It is a mountainous zone with a valley surrounded by the mountains of Mariola, Carrascal, La Serreta , Carrasqueta, Biscoi, l`Amorio and Els Plans. It is in between the rivers Serpis, Barchell, Molinar and Alcoi and covers an area of 130 square km. It is situated 518 m above sea level, 50 km from Alicante and 115 from Valencia . At the moment Alcoi has about 65,000 inhabitants.
Alcoi has the longest industrial heritage of any Valencian town, and this is the most characteristic occupation as well as the fundamental basis of the town's economy. The businesses in Alcoi are small or medium. The oldest industry is textiles which found its origins in the surrounding rivers. It is estimated that the textiles industry was born in the Arab era; in 1278 it was already being called the trade of the `paraires`. Paper and metal industries are also important in Alcoi.
The availability of lines of communication is one of the economic conditions. The most important motorway is the one that runs between Xátiva and Alicante . Today the increase in industry in Alcoi has made the area of Cocentaina the largest of the aforementioned motorway which is precisely where our school can be found. With regards to railways only the line between Xátiva and Alcoi exists, which is a secondary means of transport, although it does connect with Valencia .
Our school is one of four ´Ensenanza Secundaria` schools / Secondary Education School ) in the town, excluding the school of arts and trade, and we offer: ESO (Compulsory Education 12-16) , Bachilleratos (Academic Studies leading to University 16-18) and Ciclos Formativos (Vocational Training Courses 16+ ; 18+). The school collaborates with businesses in the area with work schemes for the students.
In the academic year 2007-2008 IES Cotes Baixes has 802 students and 106 teachers. The building was renovated in 2004 to adhere to the LOGSE (the 1990 new educational law) requirements.
Here are some pictures of the school