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Teachers from our school took part in a meeting regarding project labelled Leonardo Da Vinci. Conference lasted between 21st and 24th of October.

There were four participant schools: Croatian, Turkish, Slovakian and our Polish school. Three private companies were present, two from Spain and one from Slovenia. This project involves Technical Colleges, in our case Information Technology College. This first meeting was an introductory one and because of this only the teachers took part (Mrs W. Tomczyk, Mrs M. Jurczyk, Mr J. Szkabarnciki, Mr T. Grabski)

Although we worked hard during our visit, it was very rewarding as this project appears to be very entertaining. On the meeting we have discussed aims, tools and division of work involved. Our school is responsible for designing the website and moodle courses (including installation and configuration).
In Croatia, we were able to witness how our fellow teachers are coping with the teaching of various technical courses. As part of our stay we had a tour in one of the local factories where we observed operation of production lines.

During the first week of March 2014 students from Slovakia and Slovenia will come to visit us. On the other hand, in June next year we are scheduled to see our friends in Spain!

Link to the gallery

TV Croatia news report


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