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b_150_100_16777215_00_images_newsy_2013_2014_DSC05589.jpgOn the 12th of June a conference opening new computer room was held in the Zespol Szkol nr 10 in the city of Zabrze. This computer room was funded as part of the “Mam zawod mam prace w regione” project. Malgorzata Manka Szulik (Mayor of the city of Zabrze) and Ewa Wolnica took part in this conference as representatives of the city of Zabrze council. Representatives from other schools in the area and our school were present as well.

This conference was a perfect opportunity to present various projects which are being realized in our school at the moment.

One of the projects presented was part of the Leonardo da Vincii – Compile New Competencies and Implement them to Teaching - CNC&IT. This topic was introduced by Małgorzata Jurczyk. After the conference there was a short Q&A session and key aims, partners were presented to the audience. Also M.Jurczyk and W.Tomczyk gave a quick talk about new moodle course and recent project visit in Spain. Presentation was well received by the audience and mayor appeared very interested as well.

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