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TECH braz 2020 mm

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1 grupoweFrom the 1st to the 5th October we participated in the sixth meeting as a part of the CNC&IT Project – that time in Slovenia. The hosting school which is a partner of our project, is located in a small, yet very picturesque town of Krsko, where we were also accommodated. There were 8 people from Poland who participated in the meeting: three teachers and five students and also our partners from Spain, Turkey and Croatia (project coordinator). 2c Large

On the first day of our visit we took part in the activities organised by our hosts at their school. There were two separate panels: for the students and for the teachers. After classes we visited the school, and we also discussed the further project activities and summarized its results. In the afternnon we visited local interesting places: City Museum and local vineyard that it over 80 years old.

IMG 1085Next day was very ‘energetic’. Before visiting the nuclear plant we took part in the short enegy workshop in the instituted located next to the plant. We were also in the local production factory Cerjak Ltd. One of the main attractions was an active part in the go-cart race. Our students were really good, and Oskar came as the third one.P1010597

On the last day – on Saturday – we had an opportunity to participate in the school fair. We could admire both the enthusiastic attitude of the students and very interesting technical units that they presented.

On our way home we had a few hours stop in a picturesque town of Gratz, and going to Slovenia we visited Vienna. The meeting was really successful and fruitful.


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